Valley View Lakes and Lodges (May 2023)

We switched to PIMS as our previous booking system was playing up. The company then ceased trading.

Pims looks very complicated at the start, but if you follow the guides it all starts to come together. Befor long it all becomes second nature. Richard is always there to help and responds quickly. Pims is a very flexible booking system.

I recommend this booking system to other users. 

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Villa Toto (January 2022)

Another year - now 10 in total when we wouldnt be without pims. Its invaluable in so many ways and the cost is well worth it.

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East Lothian Cottages (November 2021)

After managing our two cottages for years with only a diary, and juggling multiple calendars, I finally took the plunge and went hunting for an automated system to bring our booking process up to date. Part of what our guests have appreciated was the personal communication, so I was wary of seeming too automated. Similarly, I needed something I could pick up relatively easily, that synced with other calendars, and that offered easy access to help if I got stuck. After working my way through the options and the multiple recommendations of others, I settled on PIMS - and have no regrets at all. It took a few solid days to transition but, with Richards often immediate support, I was soon receiving bookings, and zapping out confirmation emails with the press of a button - all so much easier than my previous system. I know Ive only scratched the service in terms of its usability, but its already made life so much easier - and reassuring knowing that Im not relying just on my own calendar. Any issues or problems have been answered quickly, either by Richard himself (whos very receptive to requests or suggestions) or via the support of other users on the Facebook page. PIMS can be picked up quickly, its well integrated, price-competitive, and well supported. Highly recommended.   

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John and Elaine (April 2021)

When we started our holiday rental business we tried to keep up with the business side of things with our own elaborate Excel spreadsheets, standardised emails etc. We soon became swamped with information that we couldnt keep up with. Then about 10 years ago a friend who had a nearby rental business introduced us to PIMS. After that, everything has been easy. We are in full control of our bookings, can get information up easily and on the rare occasion when we need a bit of support it is immediately available. If you are in the Holiday Rental Business we recommend PIMS to you. We could not do without it!

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Real Advance Ltd (February 2020)

PIMS is just great! We have worked with many others, but we chose PIMS again , for second time, because:
1) The support is fast and reliable
2) The system provides an incredible number of opportunities in all areas of the rental  management
3) The price is quite competitive.
4) Professional advice at no extra cost
Good luck!
Rositsa Georgieva

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Erwin Zwikstra (November 2019)

Great tool for keeping track of everything that goes on around renting holiday homes.
For 1 home it may be doable to use an Excel sheet, but as soon as there are more holiday homes in your portfolio you need PIMS.

The automation and messaging to yourself, your housekeeper and your customers from their first contact up to their departure and beyond is great.

Also the integration of PIMS information into your website is great.

I have not found a comparable product for a similar price. I love my PIMS.

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Glatigny Farmhouse (June 2019)

PIMS is a brilliant system and we cannot recommend it enough! It makes managing and optimising our property so much easier and has given us functionailty we didnt even know we needed (but has proved so useful!). It is a very strong system, clearly built by an owner himself. Richard is really responsive and helpful with any questions. Highly recommended - thank you! Samuel and Francesca Acford

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Kalkan Secrets (August 2017)

Several years on, and we are now up to over 75 properties - but still using PIMS.

The new responsive forms have been invaluable and to be honest, saved us from having to consider moving to another provider for our booking management - but fortunately, PIMS continues to develop, giving us a flexible, adaptable and cost-effective solution to our needs.

Thanks, Richard. 

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Castleview Cottage (November 2016)

I've bee using PIMS for a couple of years now and wouldn't be without it - prior to that I used Excel spreadsheets and a manual calender which was time consuming and obviously a burden to keep updated.  Probably the most important feature however is the fear of double bookings is now elimiated - obviously it is not foolproof as it's down to the user making sure they input the correct information, but is has saved my skin on a couple of occasions.

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Vista Point (March 2016)

I just have one property to manage, but after 12 months of managing bookings in a spreadsheet I was living in constant fear that I would forget a key iteraction with a guest, or that there was an updated I hadn't saved. It was time to get a proper booking system and PIMS came highly recommended. I went straight to the Gold version, as things like short break pricing, the PIMS booking form are key to the way I run bookings. A year on and haven't looked back - I really don't know how I ever coped without it. Richard has been super-responsive on support issues too, even on some pretty obscure techincal matters.

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CHW (September 2015)

Another year of PIMS, another renewal, and another review.

There is no way that we could keep track of all the bookings, in all the different websites, without our PIMS. We have 3 properties for rent, with two different owners, and a bewildering array of different rates, calendars, change-overs etc. PIMS keeps it all on track, and nudges us when something needs to be done.  We have been using this system since 2012, and the upgrades and changes have all been seamlessly applied, without causing any disturbance. The only times we have needed support is when we have done something stupid, but the help has always been extremely fast, effective, and polite.

In short, if you are renting your house, you NEED PIMS.

(PS I never write reviews for anything, and this is my 3rd(?) review for this software - need I say more?)

Keeps me on track (March 2015)

As a manager of a small number of properties, I love using PIMS.  The ease of setting and customising my own templates has reduced time spent typing emails to customers enormously - yet they look personalised from my own business. With only a part time commitment to managing my rental, it is easy to become sidetracked and forget where I am up to with bookings. PIMS keeps track for me. sending me daily reminders of tasks due. Online support has been prompt and helpful. I highly recommend PIMS. Would love to see better channel management made available.

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Kalkan Secrets (February 2015)

We have been using PIMS for around 18 months now... I didn't want to write a review without running with it for at least full season but, having used the system exclusively for all our 2014 bookings, and with enquiries and bookings now well underway for 2015, I feel suitably qualified to write a review. 

In a nutshell, PIMS has helped us transform our business.

We manage holiday rentals in the beautiful town of Kalkan, on Turkey's Mediterranean coast. When we first  started with PIMS, in the latter part of 2013,  we had only recently moved out to Turkey full-time in order to manage our own apartment rentals (we own five apartments in a small block). Until then, we had been using our own clunky, document-based booking process that required guests to print off, sign and and scan/email booking forms etc. This always worked ok, but I felt we needed something that would enable us to automate a lot of the drudgery so we could spend less time on preparing bespoke documentation for each guest. After some research into online booking systems, I decided to try PIMS. 

Immediately, it became clear how much time we could save by using Richard's system - not to mention how much more professional our enquiry-handling could become.  So much so that, once we got to grips with PIMS, we were able to seriously consider taking on branded rental management for other owners, who don't have the time, expertise or inclination to handle enquiries and bookings themselves.

We now handle rentals for 16 properties (including our own), and this simply would not have been possible without the Platinum version of PIMS. It helps us provide a consistent and professional-looking response to each and every enquiry and the report facilities (especially the reconciliation reports we can produce for owners) are all extremely well thought-out. 

Dont be under any illusions. PIMS provides a great framework but it's just that - a framework - and to get the best results, it does require a considerable input of time (and careful consideration) to mould it to the way of working that best suits your own business. But it's time well spent. Essentially, it's all in there...Richard has thought of everything. The real beauty of PIMS is that it's adaptable to the changing needs of your business - and it's comforting to know Richard is always on hand to provide prompt help and assistance if I'm too dense to grasp something! 

I would not hesitate to recommend PIMS to any holiday-home owners who require a slick, user friendly system to handle their enquiries and bookings. 

Martyn Ellis

Kalkan Secrets

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Craiglea Lodge (September 2014)

I have been using PIMS for two months now and it is excellent. I was just using Excel before but after overlooking a detail with a booking I decided to try PIMS and I am extremely happy with the vast amount of features available, and it looks great integrated in my website. Great technical support too, never left waiting long! I would definately recommend going for the Gold package!!

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CharlesHW (June 2014)

We are in our second year with PIMS, dealing with three different properties and have upgraded to Gold for the second year. Frankly, we can no longer function without PIMS, and can not recommend it highly enough. Double bookings are impossible, money is collected on time and in the correct amounts, and the booking process is seamless. I would like to give a balanced review, and mention areas that are lacking, but there really aren't any. On the odd occasion when I have had a query, it has always been dealt with promptly. Definitely worth the money - five stars*****

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johnjan (March 2014)

At first PIMS looked a little daunting, but with familiarity it became our  best friend.  The odd technical hitch was quickly sorted by Richard and our confidence  has grown quite rapidly.  We wonder how we  managed without it.  

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peyre blanque (January 2014)

As with all software of this sort there's an element of discipline. But it's well worth it - In our first 12 months we've become better at completing all the information 'slots' and now it's very easy to manage the bookings.

Highly reccommended, even the lite version and it';s really good value.

Thanks Richard for inventing it!

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Eileen McIntyre (January 2014)

Last year I decided on a complete re-vamp of my website.  This included looking for a new calendar as my old 'Availcheck' version was looking rather dated.

The calendar feature was what attracted me to PIMS.  I'd read about PIMS often enough but was apprehensive about changing from my dual pc and hard copy methods for managing reservations - yes I belong to the old school!  However, the need for a new calendar prompted me to take on the challenge of tackling something new.  I needn't have worried, the well explained step by step instructions made it easy to understand.

PIMS...where have you been these past 9 years?  How did I manage without you?

PIMS has made me focus, it has streamlined my whole booking process into an efficient flowing system instead of the bitty method I used previously.

I'm so glad I took the plunge by subscribing to PIMS.  This year for the first time, my husband and I  will be caretaking our property in Greece.  This will leave less time for methodical book keeping, answering enquires, sending documents and updating calendars - the efficiency of PIMS will save my sanity by keeping all information in one place.

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HelenB (August 2012)

Having used another  online system for some time, I decided to change to PIMs in June when the online payment facility was announced. I love the tasks, although getting to grips with them took some time. Weekly reminders are a real help , as well as the flexibility to create email templates within PIMS  for all of my communications. Pleased I switched.

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Cambalala (July 2012)

PIMS is a phenominal booking management system.

This review is long overdue. I wanted to make sure I'd really put PIMS through its paces properly before writing anything. 

PIMS is by far the most powerful and most flexible booking management system I've tried to date. My business has never been this simple and streamlined to manage.

For me there are 5 things that really set pims apart from other systems.

1) Task management. (Especially with the new booking level tasks as per v6.0)

With pims tasks you will never forget to do anything regarding bookings again. You'll always be on top of what stage of a booking you are at. (Whats been done and what still has to be done.)

2) Online database. (Perfect for managing your bookings from any pc anywhere in the world.)

My previous system was PC based. So I had to always make sure I took 1 particular laptop with me everywhere I went. Each time I got a new machine, I had to re-install the software, Copy over the old database etc etc. Now i can manage bookings on any laptop, my tablet pc, my phone, my friends computers, anywhere I like.

3)  Email templates. (Never copy/past incorrect information again.)

I save an estimated 30 minutes per booking thanks to this feature alone. Sending a prepopulated email is done in seconds. I've set up template emails for every stage of my booking process. The booking details are automatically populated on the email templates so I can't put incorrect dates etc as I've done so many times in the past.

4) Flexibility.

The system is so flexible that you can taylor-make almost every aspect of it to fit your individual needs. The more you tweek the more you realise how much can be done. Theres really nothing else like it out there.

5) Support. (Second to none.)

Richard is always ready to lend a hand when you get stuck. He seems to have endless patience with me and his replies are always prompt and concise. Even when I ask stupid questions which is alot of the time.

Thanks Richard for all your hard work in developing PIMS and for improving it all the time. I just wish I had tried pims a long time ago. I could have saved myself so much time effort. 

If you're still trying to decide what system is best for you. Don't bother looking any further than PIMS, you'll just be wasting your time.

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John and Elaine Pearson (December 2011)

We have just completed our first year with PIMS. Until we subscribed we had separate and often laborious systems for contacting clients, sending invoices, receipts and booking information. Our records were all on paper, in a massive lever-arch file. PIMS changed all of that and has made the whole process incredibly efficient! We are still exploring the implications of the latest update and the more we get into it, the more possibilities we see.  The forms, in particular, have been useful, as we can get all the information needed for the local police and tourist tax returns, saving much duplication of effort. Well done Richard!

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Polly Watt (September 2011)

PIMS and its creator, Richard, have helped me create a holiday letting business, where I can see what is working and how to improve things.  The system just gets better and better with each release and I am one of its greatest fans.  A truely invaluable piece of software, and the best buy you can make if you thinking of renting one or multiple properties.

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Linda (August 2011)

PIMS has made the running of our property rental business so much easier! I love the email alerts which tell me what I need to do each day so nothing is forgotten and the email templates have saved me an enormous amount of time.  I can never make a double booking and the facility for prospective guests to search for availability and then go straight to the page for that property is brilliant. The reporting facility is excellent to - I can see exactly what the income for each property is and the occupancy.  I really don't know how I managed before!

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Gus Coulton (August 2011)

Renting out our family home abroad is an occasional part-time affair. A problem used to be remembering what was the next action required and when it needed to be done. Dogeared calendars with scribbled annotations worked for me for a time. 

However better by far is this Property Information Management System. I am grateful to it for providing order, method and recallable information. 

Well worth the investment, many thanks Richard.

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Kendal Cottages (August 2011)

The PIMS Rental Management System is a god-send and really helps improve efficiency when running a holiday rental business.  It's straightforward to use, but Richard is on hand to help should you need. If you're contemplating using it, do so... the sooner you start, the sooner you can free up time to look after other aspects of your business.

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Sinead (August 2011)

I am a new user to this system, and very pleased with the ease of setup, and the administrative burden that it has taken off my shoulders. The reports it instantly produces are "food for thought" and very helpful in making decisions going forward. Top marks Richard! 

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